Saurophaganax maximus
Chure, 1995
Klassifizierung: Allosauridae
Fortbewegung: biped
Ernährung: karnivor
Bedeutung des Namen: Echsenesser
Saurophaganax war vermutlich der größte Fleischfresser des späten Jura im heutigen Nordamerika. Nur wenige versteinerte Knochen sind von Saurophaganax bekannt, dies sind einige Schwanzwirbel, Teile des Beckens, das Schambein und Teile des linken Beines. Daher ist die Klassifizierung dieses Dinosauriers bei einigen Wissenschaftlern umstritten. Manche betrachten ihn als eine Art von Allosaurus ("Allosaurus maximus"). Es müssten daher mehr Fossilien gefunden werden, um diese Debatte zu beenden.
Höhe: 4,5 m
Länge: 11 m
Gewicht: 4 to
Holotyp: OMNH 01123
Fundort: Morrison Formation, Brushy Becken, Cimarron County, Oklahoma, USA
Weitere Informationen
A reassessment of the gigantic theropod Saurophagus maximus from the Morrison Formation (Upper Jurassic) of Oklahoma, USA / Daniel J. Chure, 1995 / Sixth Symposium on Mesozoic Terrestrial Ecosystems and Biota 01/1995; 1:103-106
History and geology of the Cope’s Nipple Quarries in Garden Park, Colorado - type locality of giant sauropods in the Upper Jurassic Morrison Formation / Kenneth Carpenter, 2019 / Geology of the Intermountain West, v. 6, p. 31-53., doi: 10.31711/giw.v6.pp31-53PDF
Major bonebeds in mudrocks of the Morrison Formation (Upper Jurassic), northern Colorado Plateau of Utah and Colorado / John R. Foster, Julia B. McHugh, Joseph E. Peterson, Michael F. Leschin, 2016 / Geology of the Intermountain West, [S.l.], v. 3, p. 33-66, dec. 2016. ISSN 2380-7601 /PDF
Paleoecological analysis of the vertebrate fauna of the Morrison Formation (Upper Jurassic), Rocky Mountain region, U.S.A. / John R. Foster, 2003 / New Mexico Museum of Natural History, Bulletin 23, 1-95, 2003 /PDF - Teil 1 / Teil 2
Redefining the Upper Jurassic Morrison Formation in Garden Park National Natural Landmark and vicinity, eastern Colorado: Geology of the Intermountain West / Kenneth Carpenter, Eugene Lindsey, 2019 / Geology of the Intermountain West: Geology of the Intermountain West, v. 6, p. 1-30., doi: 10.31711/giw.v6.pp1-30PDF
Stratigraphic Setting of Fossil Log Sites in the Morrison Formation (Upper Jurassic) near Dinosaur National Monument, Uintah County, Utah, USA / Douglas A. Sprinkel, Mary Beth Bennis, Dale E. Gray, Carole T. Gee, 2019 / Geology of the Intermountain West, v. 6, pp. 61-76, doi: 10.31711/giw.v6.pp61-76PDF
The Morrison Formation Sauropod Consensus: A freely accessible online spreadsheet of collected sauropod specimens, their housing institutions, contents, references, localities, and other potentially useful information / Emanuel Tschopp, John A. Whitlock, D. Cary Woodruff, John R. Foster, Roberto Lei, Simone Giovanardi, 2019 / PaleorXiv. October 30. doi:10.31233/ /PDF
What factors influence our reconstructions of Morrison Formation sauropod diversity? / D. Cary Woodruff, 2019 / Geology of the Intermountain West, v. 6, p. 93-112., doi: 10.31711/giw.v6.pp93-112PDF
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Saurophaganax / Daniel DeCristo:
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